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Capacity building on Disaster Risk Reduction Continues…

The ELCT North Western Diocese in response to climate change has started to create awareness and build the capacity of various groups to be ready and prepared to prevent the occurrence if disasters (if possible, to reduce the magnitude of disaster effects, to keep the society safe again which will be disaster resilient. Natural Disasters in the Kagera region include earthquake, epidemics, floods, drought with famine, land slide and hurricanes. man-made disasters include the war between Tanzania and Uganda, Ferry accident in Lake Victoria, burning of church buildings, burning of tree plantations, Plane crash, and others. These have happened over the years in the region. The NWD has played an important role to do diaconia in the midst of challenges arising out of disasters. The approach to diaconia has been non-discriminatory including all victims in the society regardless of their religious background. The church has done this in collaboration with a network of its partners. The NWD has gone an extra mile to begin creating awareness for the community to develop the spirit of preparedness for disasters and strategies to reduce the intensity of disasters Workshops are going on to various areas and groups in the NWD. This capacity building is done to both church and community leaders with the aim for solidarity in mitigating effects of disasters. The NWD is collaborating with UEM to implement this important project.
