


The Department  started in 1965 as Womens' Department but in 2002 the unit of children work was also combined in the women work. The women organization in our Diocese is known as BETHANIA. This name originates from the Bible. It took a name of a Jewish village Bethania, where Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus lived. This name was chosen because of the friends of Jesus who had strong faith in him. They invited him and other people into their home, and served them. That village became important because of the people who were proclaiming God’s Word. We read about them from John 12:1 – 8, John 11, 10:38 – 42.

In 1950 under the guidance of the late Sr. Emilie Wille, the German Missionary, the women organization blossomed. In 1960 the Diocese created a department for women and the constitution was passed. In 1965, during the Diocesan General Meeting conducted in Karagwe Diocese the organization was officially named BETHANIA, as it was suggested by Sr. Emilie Wille.

Units in the Department

  1. Women’s Association (Bethania)
  2. Children’s unit


  1. Kashura Women’s Centre: Continues to be the heart centre for women development.

The women and children’s activities are carried out from the grassroots to the diocesan level.

Department Objectives

  1. To strengthen women in their faith and empower them through economic and legal aspects
  2. To provide education to women and Sunday School teachers.
  3. To enhance effective and equal participation of women in development activities in church and society.
  4. To enable all women in the Diocese recognize their talents and learn how to utilize it.
  5. To strengthen Sunday School/ Kindergatten Schools in the NWD
  6. Nurturing  children in the Christian faith, civic and responsible citizenship

In 2019 the name of the department changed to "Nurture Department" with an aim to include various special groups especially childre, women and men. It involves

a) Children Section : Nurture and strengthening child protection

b) Womens' section (bethania): Womens' rights and church involvement

c) Mens' Section (UWALU): mens' rights and involvement


Contact: [email protected]