


The Social Service Department is focused to provide socio-econimic services to the entire community. It is constituted by four main sub-departmental units namely Education, Health, Diaconia and Youth. 


  1. To co-ordinate secular education activities in 14 Pre schools, 3 Primary Schools, 4 Secondary Schools and 5 Colleges that are owned and run by the diocese. 
  2. To co-ordinate health services in 2 Hospitals, 2 Health Centres, 11 Dispensaries and an Institute for health Sciences 
  3. To co-ordinate diaconic services at the Centre for Street Childre, orphanage, Deaf and Deaf-blind school, a home for mentally challenged people and the marginalized families and individuals through congregations.
  4. To co-ordinate youth activities in schools, colleges and society at large.

Health Services

The department and medical services were established in 1926 and the department came into being in 1961.  The Church continues to promote health services through its Coverage Area in five government administrative districts of Bukoba rural, Bukoba municipality, Missenye  Muleba and Chato;

Health Institutions

  1. Ndolage Hospital
  2. Izimbya Hospital
  3. Bukoba town health Center
  4. Rwantege Dispensary
  5. Nyabugera Dispensary
  6. Ilemela Dispensary
  7. Rwigembe Dispensary
  8. Butainamwa Dispensary
  9. Kigarama Dispensary
  10. Missenyi Dispensary
  11. Bugango Dispensary
  12. Kashasha  Dispensary
  13. Katare  Dispensary
  14. Kerebe Dispensary
  15. Ntoma Dispensary
  16. Nyabugera Dispensary

Other institutions

  1. Ndolage Institute of health Sciences (School of Nursing, Clinical medicine, Pharmacetical, Social work, Health workers,)
  2. Primary Health Care Program


  1. To provide health services through prevention, curative measures and care on an equal basis without prejudice to faith status, sex or race.
  2. To provide medical education
  3. To train medical staff for sustainable health care

Contacts:      [email protected], [email protected]